Qina Caelus

she/her lesbian
wife who tells you he asked for NO pickles

Ainhar Caelus

he/him lesbian
a wifeguy who brings you roadkill

^ Simplified Reference
< Complex Reference

Race: Keeper of the Moon / Veena
Classes: SMN/WHM
Home region: Rak'tika Greatwood
Personality: Cheerful, Ditzy, Booksmart
QINA IS OWNED BY MY WIFEQina is the relentless Warrior of Light, who absolutely demolishes anyone who dares look at her loved ones the wrong way. She's a romantic.Her signature summon is a pink Carbuncle and Phoenix.She grew up with very loving parents and a Miq'ote father who worshipped the ground his Viera wife walked on. Her parents always wanted the best of their bright daughter and she went to study in Sharlayan.She meets Ain on her Warrior of Light travels and they instantly clicked. She loves making the usual stoic Ain into a blushy mess. <3

Race: Seeker of Sun / Raen
Classes: DRK/WAR
Home region: Thavnair
Personality: Deadpan, Loyal, Impulsive
Never giving too much thought upon his lifestyle, duty bound Ainhar faithfully does whatever he can to support his wife, Qina Caelus, the Warrior of Light.Ainhar grew up with adventurer parents who would travel all across Eorzea for jobs. Naturally, Ainhar followed in their footsteps.He hadn't met his cousin Oriana until the Scions journeyed to the Ruby Sea.On his travels he meets the Warrior of Light and his other half, Qina. Ain loves his wife, very much and dotes endlessly upon her and doesn't soften around anyone else.

Oriana Tellus


neurotic lizard with an inferiority complex

Birthday: 20th of the 4th Astral Moon
Race: Raen / Xaela
Classes: SMN/FSH/CUL
Home town: Ruby Sea
Personality: Industrious, Assertive, Filled with Rage
Oriana is sick of everyone talking about her dull cousin like Hydaelyn herself.

Oriana's parents used to adventure with Ainhar's but they settled down to have Ori. Oriana has always excelled in everything she touched. She prides herself in her spearfishing and her cooking.When the Exarch pulled her into the First instead of her cousin, Ainhar, and his wife, she knew that there was no need for her inferior cousin's sloppy work and assured the Exarch that she would stop the Umbral Calamity in a fraction of the time it would take Ainhar.She was right of course.